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Apple Pizza

Main course with South Tyrolean Braeburn Apple

Difficulty: medium
Preparation time: 30 min
Baking/cooking time: 15 min
Style: modern
Apple: Braeburn
Pizza Dough:
1 kg (2 lb. 3 oz.) wheat flour
14 g (0,5 oz.) fresh yeast
45 g (1,5 oz.) salt
625 ml (2,5 c) cold water

2-3 small apples Südtiroler Apfel PGI (Braeburn)
200 g (0,5 lb.) soft goat cheese, plain
Parmesan cheese, shaved
Fresh herbs: thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage
2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice + zest of one organic lemon
Salt and pepper to taste
South Tyrol Speck PGI cut into thin slices

White onions, sliced thin
Pine nuts
Finely minced mixed herbs
Soft goat cheese, cut into slices
Fresh pepper and coarse sea salt
Stephanie Just, food blogger and founder of the blog 'Küchenschlacht' Created by Stephanie Just
Apple pizza
  1. For the pizza dough, mix 600 g (1 lb. 5 oz.) flour with salt and add in the fresh yeast that has been crumbled and then add the water.  Mix everything with a fork until a slightly thickened dough has formed. Then cover with a dishcloth and allow to rise for approximately 30 minutes. Then add in the remaining flour in four or five passes and knead in with the dough hook of a food processor or with a hand mixer for four to five minutes. Once all of the flour has been kneaded into the bowl, allow the machine to continue kneading for another two to three minutes until the dough forms a ball around the kneading hook and separates from the edge of the bowl. Cover with the dishcloth and allow to rise for 20 minutes.
  2. Then place the dough on a smooth working surface and smooth it out. Knead the dough by hand for one minute and then divide into portions. Form the portions of dough into balls with your hands. Then either place two or three portions in airtight containers with covers or place next to each other with some distance in between on a baking tray that is lined with wax paper, sprinkle with a little flour, ensure that they don’t crack, and wrap in plastic wrap. Place in the refrigerator and allow to rise for at least four hours up to twenty-four hours.
  3. Season the soft cheese with the finely minced herbs, spices, honey, garlic, olive oil, and lemon juice. Preheat the oven with heat from above and below to 270 degrees C (525 degrees F). Wash the apples and cut into thin slices with a mandolin or vegetable slicer. Sprinkle with some lemon juice. Peel and slice the onions. Lightly roast the pine nuts in a non-stick frying pan.
  4. Place the pizza dough on a working surface that has been sprinkled with flour and using your hands, carefully turn it and pull it lightly.  Place the round crust on wax paper or on a pizza stone. Spread with the cheese mixture but leave a small edge free. Add the onions and apple slices. Our tip: Don’t be too sparing with the apples. The slices may also overlap. The speck may either be placed on the pizza before baking so that it becomes crispy or else only added to the pizza after it has been baked. On top of the onions and the apples, add the pine nuts, the shaved Parmesan cheese, herbs, and honey and then drizzle with some olive oil.
  5.  Place the pizza in the hot oven and bake for ten minutes. Then place a round piece of aluminum foil over it and bake the pizza for another eight minutes. Before serving, season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper and sprinkle with lemon zest. Drizzle with honey and cover with crumbled goat cheese. Sprinkle some chopped herbs and some olive oil over the pizza as desired.
Also try the following combinations: 

- Apple with Gorgonzola and sliced beef over orange sour cream
- Apple with salmon or trout and honey, mustard, and crème fraiche
- Sliced chicken with apple curry and raisins